You are probably wondering what the heck this blog is about. More importantly, you are probably thinking why someone would write it. And most importantly, you are probably concerned about the girl in the profile picture who is about to step off the ledge of a cliff. Well, that girl is me, taking a step (quite literally) out of comfort. And that is what this blog is about – taking adventurous steps that go beyond the comfort zone.
This is the real me.
I have a degree in Paper Science Engineering and in Chemical Engineering. Yeah, I know. Interesting, huh? I currently do research and development work in a small lab based somewhere in the midst of Seattle. So why am I writing this blog? Because I’m a creature of habit. I wake up at 5:30am, go to work at 7am, get off work at 4pm, maybe work out for an hour (depends on my motivation for that day), and then head home to sit on the couch. I don’t always just sit on the couch. I watch TV. Maybe crochet some. Perhaps read a book (which ultimately puts me to sleep). You get my point.
Therefore, in order to break my monotonous day-to-day habits, I designed this blog to force myself to try new things; to make myself do things that I wouldn’t normally do. It’s not going to be pretty. And it’s definitely not going to be easy. I may wind up on the floor, kicking and screaming even. But, in the end, I’ll go on trying my best, and hopefully, inspire you to do what I’ve done – go beyond your own comfort zone.